It’s time for the Tip of the Week! This week we’re focusing on importing Ushurs.
To import an Ushur, select an application context > New Ushur > Import. This imports the Ushur and it’s variables to that application context (if the variables don’t yet exist, they will be automatically created).
Things to remember:
The Ushur name must be unique.
To import the same Ushur to your account in a different application context:
Clone the Ushur you want to import
Rename the Ushur
Export the cloned Ushur
Delete the cloned Ushur
Import it into a new application context
Questions or anything to add? Share them in the comments!
Sometimes I like to export my Ushurs without the enterprise variables, so they aren’t imported into the new application context. For example, when my other application context already has the same variables in the enterprise variables, but they might just be named different. When that happens, I uncheck the box for “export enterprise variables” after I hit the “export” button on the cloned Ushur. Then I can import it into the other application contact without creating new variables.
Did you know that export/import of an ushur can be used to just carry the enterprise variables from one env to another?
All you need is to create a new ushur, add a fetch module that uses one of the variables in the metadata (doesn’t matter what it is) and import it into your destination env.